>>4247834>A higher SNR is not less noise >:( t. retard>The guy who is more successful than me sucks t. pic relatedCrab bucket
Cage rattling
Poorfag coping and seething
You're even dismissed tonewood
Next you'll say that gibson is running a scam, and your condor with malagolis and a GFS "brass" bridge sounds better
And on top of it all, you are a dubiously heterosexual zoophile who has actually fucked a dog, much like a brazilian we both know who diddled his cat with a Q tip and boned his brothers do/gg/.
You are literally samuel cam/p/os You have never even looked forward success let alone a/p/proached it. You are always at the bottom of your /p/ail, /p/inching and com/p/laining as better /p/hotographers move /p/ast you. It's the /p/eak of /p/athetic /p/il/p/ul. The slightest sign of someone doing better than a bottom of the cesspit crustacean has continued to elicit nonstop rage in you.
Lemme remind you /p/haggot, you made TWO threads because you're so /p/issed at someone being more successful than you :^)