>>3898854stay mad maskfag
>In 2019 the baby boomers were not content with the destruction they brought upon our once great nation, with their endless stream of immigration, off shoring and degeneracy. In order to fight the bad orange man, they conspired with the Chinese and gave the proceeding generations one final fuck you before they gracelessly expired. Through a manufactured crisis they intentionally destroyed what remained of our tattered economy, caused tens of millions of people to lose their jobs, and created laws requiring those who were fortunate enough to still be employed to engage in the ritual humiliation of wearing a slaves' muzzle, in a vain attempt to cheat death for a few more years and to insitute a mark of the beast. This website documents for future generations those NPCs who were naive enough to submit to the boomers, and proudly display their chains for all to see, believing them to be talismans, but manage to fail at even this simple task through their own unique combination of cowardice and incompetence.>>3898859The masks are pointless regardless of the setting. You want to know what is effective? A gas mask with a P3 rated filter. I own these things, and I wore them around supermarkets at the start of the plandemic when everyone was hoarding toilet paper to help promote fear and panic. The terms face mask and respirator are terms of art with the latter being highly regulated by NOISH. A respirator meets a standard and will provide protection, a face mask does not.