>>3551700>What's a good price for an XA2?$150 at the max for mint one. If you can try get an XA3, its the same camera but with a DX code reader, meters up to 1600 (XA2 only goes up to 800) and has a +1.5 exposure comp. setting.
>Also what're thoughts on the mju ii and Fuji Tiara being priced at $300+?Memeju iis suck. Their only positives is that they're a very small, weather proof automatic point and shoot. The lens is noticeable soft in the corners.
Tiaras on the other hand are well build premium metal compact cameras with fantastically sharp lenses well worth the price. I had the zoom version and I gotta say it had the sharpest lens out of any of compact cameras I own, can't even imagine how sharp the non zoom one is.
(not saying you should spend $300+ over the $150 for an XA series but the Tiara is defiantly the better camera)
All and all your best bet to get a working camera is to buy one mint, I learnt this the hard way.
Pic related all of those cameras died on me within a matter of months besides the XA3, I've never had an XA series camera die on me.
>>3551826>And no, you're not retarded, rangefinder cameras are comfy as fuck.>XA2Good sir I think you are the one that is retarded.