>>3965668>writing>technical skill is nothingtel me how i no that u r to retarded and stupid and bad and you dont no anyhting ans akso yore bad so you should just stop talking rite now I have nothing to say 2 u u fucking stupid idiot retard piece of shit i fuckeur mom thats rigt cal me you're dad becaUe I am you're dad wzlcope home son but also get out becaUe I cant fucking stand thz site of you you sikckken me I hate you youre mom is ugly why did I eve fuck her and impgerentt her with tsupid idiot dupb retard if a sun what the hell was i think i drawed a picyure of u its u being smelly and supid and bad you fucning dunce cap go sit in the corner away from everyone else you dstumpid idiiit