>>3048790DSLR cuck scanner here.
I concur that your neg is parlously underexposed.
Your scan is underexposed too, however.
It's fine to let the sprocket holes blow out, you want to get the neg itself as close to clipping as possible.
Also, working on your raw file, you want to normalise the colour there as much as possible, by adjusting your white balance (if the range of adjustments in your raw converter make this possible) or curves(if necessary). When you need to massively increase the contrast, like in your scan, this will give you less blocking, banding, whatever.
I wouldn't necessarily encourage you to shoot your Ektar at 50, you will get good results if you meter properly for 100. Consistently underrating your film is more like a "hack" that relies on the overexposure latitude of neg film to stop you from underexposing it no matter what fuckery your meter does, but in a lot of scenes you're just throwing away a stop of shutter speed. What camera were you using? A centre weighted meter should have given more exposure in this scene.