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i think i might understand why you guys say m43 sucks for macro.
the depth of field is so shallow which shouldn't be an issue with capturing details but it absolutely fucks the dynamic range when you stack too deep of a set, because you have things behind what is in focus that are blurred to shit. when you stack them you get a weird halo effect around details where something was out of focus in the background or foreground around it. because of this from things being out of focus in the foreground and background you lose so much contrast, not just from value but also color. i took a stack of this bee from the front of the antennae all the way to the base of the front legs and the blurred halo is insane around the antennae (which you can still see a trace of at the tips) and has even less dynamic range retained than this one. i was trying to figure out how to have the colors not suck until i realized i have to crank the saturation up until it looks absurd in the source images and it finally came out in the finished stacked image with a more or less true to color proper intensity of yellow and orange that bumble bees have.