>>3243742I live in the American Midwest. Here are my costs.
35mm B&W: Dev myself with Rodinal and TF-5 - $100 to get started, literally cents per roll to dev after that.
35mm C-41: Dev Only at Drug Mart's 1 hour photo - $4.50
120 B&W: Dev Myself with Rodinal - Same as 35mm
120 C-41: Dev Only a Dodd Camera, takes about a week - $6
220 B&W: Dev Myself with Rodinal - Same as 35mm
220 C-41: Dev Only at Dodd Camera, takes about a week - $7
I don't shoot slide film because that is prohibitively expensive here.
I do all my own scanning with an Epson v600 for which I paid $150 in 2012.
Here's a sample of some 120 B&W, I developed myself. The film for this shot is Ilford Pan F.