>>4270027With 120fps, it can do an HDR overlay for exposures that would be perfectly sharp at 1/60...
Like the panasonic G9II can (it even does it in video). Also a 120fps camera. Lmao.
>Oh okay okay okay most photos aren't at 1/60 or slower okay dude i admit is a gimmick for landscape photography aka non-art garbage. I'm a real photography, I dont take pictures of sunsets, I take pictures of models! ISO 100, 1/500!A9III base ISO is 250, G9II base ISO is 100, panasonic mislabels ~1 stop brighter, so its actually closer 50, so actually equivalent to... a base ISO DR somewhere between 200 and 250 FF equivalent.
The A9III has less dynamic range than the PanasoniCHAD Lumix G(OD)9II. Proven. I'm a full frame user and I hate to use MFturd logic on you but it's actually right this time. The G9II is a next gen sensor, only really beat for the whole full two stops by higher end FFs with their own ISO 100 beating base DRs like the M11, Z7II, and Z8/Z9.
Interesting that Nikon's DR loss from the extra hardware needed for ES that's identical to the mech shutter everyone was already fine with is a sub-stop loss, not over a stop (Z8 base ISO DR = Z6 base ISO DR, still ahead of G9II base ISO DR).
>>4270029Looks like shit. You can afford an A9III but you can't afford to schedule a shoot at actual dusk? Lol.
The A9III has one and only "good" feature: 0 rolling shutter, even less than mech shutters, for SPORTS JOURNALISM (who gives a fuck about snapshits: the genre?). Everything else is a gimmick everyone already had figured out. It is a camera built to take snapshits at golf games and nascar races and nothing else LMFAO.