>>4000075>>You don't need it "implemented in hardware.">Yes you do.>>It's not a complex calculation ffs.>Never said it was.Then you don't need special hardware support moron.
>They over complicate things by forcing those meme algorithms and not offering the basic bitch NN scaling as an option, and there's no way to override their blurry scaling methods. In other words, your NES looks like shit on the flat screen you bought. Got it.
>That's why it has to be built-in.Ask the manufacturer to give you an "old game mode" in the next firmware update. It doesn't require special hardware.
>I live in the real world and am speaking from experience. Show me one fucking example of NN producing a better scaling using content OTHER than low res, pixelated content from old computers.
>There's a reason why countless people support what I'm saying all across the net.>MUH COUNTLESS PEOPLE!i.e. no one.
>Vectors don't need NN scaling. Vector icons rendered into pixels at 32x32 at 1080p do need NN scaling if going 2x scale at 4K. Newer shit is rendered sub-pixel then purposely aliased to the screen for a better look. It ends up being more like a photo and often requiring photo scaling algorithms as a result.
>NN integer scaling preserves 100% sharpness. Are you confused about which side is NN in my samples?
>It literally cannot degrade it, by design.I bet you also believe analog audio and film have "infinite resolution" because "there are no steps!", don't you?