>>3005889>The Darkroom charges about 11 bucks a roll.I pay $3 a roll.
>>3005889>You can pick up a Tetenal C-41 Press kit that will make enough chemistry for about 20-25 rolls for $27I'm going to go ahead and assume you mean the powder kit listed on B&H for $27 which makes 1 litre of solution and the multi-8 tank with 10 dry reels.
It will process a maximum of three rolls at once with 1l of solution (you could buy multiple kits but shelf life and economy comes into play here). We're gonna need rapid dev since we're gonna be processing so many rolls in a row, so that's 10 and a half minutes for each roll to be processed. We have to run the process a total of four times to process 10 reels.
To load 10 reels at 30 seconds each, that's around 5 minutes of time taken. Each time the process is run you want to pre-heat the rolls in 45c water for around 2 minutes with 10 and a half minutes of development time on top. You don't need to rinse in the tank, so that can be done later and only takes around 10 minutes. You'll also want to take around 30 seconds to rinse and dry the tank between processing.
Your own time to process 10 rolls of film would take 67 minutes in your own time If you went entirely from start to finish with less than a 5 second gap between each step. This also assumes that you own a multi-8 tank and 10 paterson reels (which could be had for free assuming you're cheap enough). You need to purchase multiple kits to
Your bare costs are $27 plus at least 1 hour of your time (in minimum wage), so as long as you're not living in a third world shithole, your costs are already over the $30 I pay for processing, it also takes you more time than the 40 minute round trip for me and the generious twenty minutes I added on where I pay for the development, get my receipt and leave.
To process more film at once, your cost of chemistry exceeds my costs significantly. In what way is your process better financially?