>>3248017OP here, I've come to the conclusion that the nature of how film processes light, cannot be faked on digital (duh). As stated by
>>3248108 until sensor technology advances, foveon or future sensor tech, emulation is just not feasible. As
>>3248104 and
>>3248717 stated, these are fundamental things that make film, film. I cannot find any information on replicating it, and for what I do find, it cannot be faked enough to be convincing. As well as film grain, predominantly only showing in mid tones and fading out in whites and blacks due to chemistry and how the image is resolved; image quality fully dependent and made up from individual granules. Image quality exceeding granule size instantly shows its digital.
With that being said, I'll keep the thread open for general discussion for anyone that still wants to challenge it or add any additional information (I'd love to hear more.) Though my question has been answered, I just don't see film emulation possible, today. I've learned a lot more about film (as I was hoping to) from this thread. Thanks anons.
Pic and file name related, highlight roll off.