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Alright fuckwits, I want to know why the fuck I'm not getting any goddamned good results for andromeda.
I've tried stacking like 350 subs. I'll set the take-x-shots setting in fuji to 350 and frame andromeda so it will drift through the shot. .62s exposure time for each sub.
I'll then fucking get that shit in, register the fucker in siril, stack the fucker in siril, and I'm only seeing a hint of the fucking outer dust lane of andromeda. No motherfucking beautiful details in the dust.
See my example here? That's 70 1-second exposures.
What I don't want to do is get around to stacking the hundreds of shots that I've taken and get fucking nothing. Is it actually mathematically correct that I can sigma-clip average-stacking-with-rejection the fucking subs and get the same details by just taking fuckloads more of them? If someone got amazing shots with 70 1 minute exposures, then if I take 60*70 1 second exposures, shouldn't I get the same fucking result?