>>2881017Dammit, Shug. I'm glad to see you back on your bike, and I'm glad to see you shooting and posting, but you know better than that.
That perspective is all fucked up. You've got a lens distortion that's fucking up the lines, and you're just flat out not perpendicular to the wall. You know better than that.
Also, this processing is full as fuck. Look at your histogram. Why they fuck is your white point so fucking far towards the center? Fix that shit. I don't care if you're going for some faded, retro bullshit look. That's fine, but this is just dull and lifeless.
Finally, this is just yellow. When you've got a really dull exposure range and you couple it with a slight yellow tint, it just looks like piss.
That being said, this isn't a bad idea for a photo. Your bike is too close to the edge of the frame to really work, but it's not a bad idea.
Keep at it bro. Also, eat some meat.