>>2694558I use this. First heard about it here.
But the reason I ultimately chose it is because:
1) it is the correct size for me. I'm 186cm tall, and my previous backpack would only fit decently for someone <170. Carrying this one is a billion times more ergonomic experience for me, but for a much shorter person it most likely wouldn't be a very good pack.
2)Just the right feature combination: It's a 50/50 split for camera/other stuff so I can use it for day hikes or short overnights. Straps, raincover, and a tripod attachment thingy, side pouch for water bottle. It also has a mesh back system which allows airflow and keeps your back from turning into a complete wet mess during exertion, a huuuge plus IME.
4) Camera compartment is just large enough for a Graflex (without rangefinder) + 2 extra lenses or Graflex + Grafmatics. (I tend to put my grafmatics in the laptop compartment, though :D)