>>3781442>This pic is a photo someone in the Eggleston thread said used good colour and rhythm but I have no idea what they're on about.The Eggleston took this photograph when this kind of photography was considered "amateur" just like people who're spiritual deserts devoid of appreciating beauty see it as even now 50+ years later. Contemporary viewer don't see this photograph as "good" because Eggleston's influence is everywhere and after seeing unending amount of food and "mundane things" photography now it's tiresome. Also it's not about a single photograph either, it's about a whole body of work.
the point of this photography is that beauty can be found everywhere. you don't have to travel hundreds of miles to the in order to see the "real" beauty. Eggleston showed us how the common so called mundane things can also give us the moments of aesthetic wonder and his colour mastery reinforced it. That's how most of the people spend their lives from day to day and not in some grandiose fancy landscape bullshit. So this type photography is far more "useful" and important if we want have aesthetic experience in everyday life.
Like Harlod Bloom said something like that you should read poetry and memorise those poems so you will never be alone. That's how I view Eggleston's photography when I am trying to cope with my miserable existence and I suddenly see beautiful little photograph(not literally but metaphorically) lying in the garden of neighbour's house then I recite a comfy poem in head and that's enough for me. I can't explain that moment to you in words because intuition and aesthetic pleasure are beyond words.