>>4118970>>4118987>>4118989Now let's look at how stops of EV translate into visual differences in DR. These differences are tiny and would disappear with the slightest NR/color/brightness adjustments. No one viewing the photo would go "oh this photo is ruined for me because it has a very tiny bit more noise in a deep shadow region." It's just not the way humans look at photos.
Keep in mind if you're arguing about DR at high ISO, you are not talking about 1ev differences. You're talking about 1/3ev or maybe 1/2ev differences.
DPReview does not even bother shooting and pushing high ISO frames for their DR comparison tool. The differences are not worth it. Not even for old sensors (i.e. Canon old foundry sensors) because the relative e-noise strength on those sensors drops closer to modern levels by high ISO.
You're arguing over nothing that would or should ever matter for OP.