>>4040089Hey OP I viewed your thread with some interest. Most of the photos are grotesque, and repulsive. Taking what should be arousing and beautiful and completely eliminating all attractions. That being said I think the product stays true to the personal intent of the model. The type of girls who grow out their armpit hair, show their bodies without shame, and spit in the face of the traditional standards of beauty they believe society has imposed upon them. They give me vibes of a gritty underbelly of feminist counter culture and witch craft. Subtle satanic imagery and androgynous “they/them” energy. On the technical side I like the simple night time direct flash style you bring, and the intentional posing of the models. I’m sure you enjoy your photography excursions and that’s what matters most. While I dislike the images themselves, I very much like your work if that makes any sense, I only hope you maybe decide to capture more beauty sometimes rather than the junky/punk grimy stuff.