>>4089354a7iv has both intuitive ui design and menu layouts as well as instant response
>>4089355yes thats the term everyone on the internet uses, what am i gonna say? phosphorous UV coating density, anti reflection coating thickness, anti-aliasing filters or lack thereof, etc.etc... its easier to just say color science.
>>4089377i dont know what that lmao is supposed to mean. literally no one i know in or outside the industry, even remotely cares about color output of the cameras they use. you can literally edit your tiny little nikon z30 to look like a canon r5 sooc image. only ones who care about ''natural colors'' sooc, are amateurs and snapshit fags who don't know how to use image editing software.
>>4089448you can stop breathing too while youre at it. 30-35MP is not to little but just enough if you have to crop and its not too much to the point of 40MP and higher, where your filesizes are so big that it takes 10 billion years to process and edit all the images from a shoot. and people who do need higher resolution and people who do high level studio work, wont be buying a snoy or canikon in the first place, they will be looking at something like a fuj/hass/phase1.
>>4089521>>4089542''Soul'' is just a term for colorfags that shoot jpeg instead of raw or dont run through their images in post, coping with the fact that sensor color output doesnt matter if you have CO/PS/LrC/Phocus
>pic related, dont look at the image as a whole, its shit its a test image, basically a SOOC image, i just changed +0.1 yellow and green saturation and added the tiniest bit of grain, literally SOOC image and the image has more '''''soul'''' than any fuji