>>3956635Sort of. But probably not like you mean.
Geeqie - culling. I don't load shit 'I'm not going to edit into darktable if i can avoid it
Darktable - exposure, crop and occasional WB, pretty much nothing else. I delete it's database on every startup, so it cant load 'missing' icons for any images ive moved. File management is by folder name, and sometimes text files within that folder with written details of events/places people/technical.
Gimp - not for photos, mostly just annotating/combining screenshots.
imagemagick - as context menus in dolphin, right click > select action kind of thing. I don't use these much any more, they used to be much larger when I was setting F numbers/focallenghts etc for non-electronic lenses.
oh-hi.info = 107,623 photos, largely with the above tools (and some rawtherapee)