post street stuff mostly
>>3565866Ngl when you posted that photo of the dude with the jacket I loved it, glad I finally found your instagram <3
>>3565871Post more plz, I like your compistions but I personally think you need to get editing down pat but keep going, we're all learning
>>3566161I love love love your style, I don't know what it is but I dig it, keep going.
>>3566280Don't be hesitant these are good, some are a littler over processed tho
>>3566346oooo I remember seeing your pics of inside the plane somewhere else here, glad I found your insta. Photos are consistant and you look like you've got your style down pat. I like it
>>3566378Post more, you look like you live in an interesting area
>>3566416I feel a little more constrast would go a long way on the b&w photos, compisitions are great tho
>>3566433looks liek you're trying a bit of everything, which is great, I like your landscape stuff the best
>>3566464I see you're still getting the ropes of things, I think if you put some time into post a lot of these would turn out better. If you really enjoy photography keep going
>>3566581Keep going with the landscape stuff, I love it
>>3566608I'd like to see more from you m8, I like the train one the best