>>2840339yes it is shit, as i've said i've been uploading random garbage with it as the camera is amusing to use and so incredibly quick at focusing and shooting. this is the perfect dumpster to throw them in and checkout the web quality. i don't understand though, you are literally the most clueless and angry guy i've ever heard on here. you've posted nothing on your own and if you were to i'm 99% sure it would be complete and utter shit. all i've heard from my pov was "oh let's check this exif on this OMFG AN A7RII SOMETIHNG I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO AFFORD OR EVEN USE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE WHY NO I HAVE NO MONEY WHY DO I LIVE WITH MY MOTHER AND STEP-DAD WHY AM I TOO SCARED TO STEP OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE AND PRACTICE TAKING SOME PHOTOS BECAUSE I'M A DRIBBLE CHIN WITH NO SOCIAL SKILLS" that was pretty much all i, and probably others, could see you write. just a rly angry spastic no? i did not pay fucking 3 grand for it and i do not even use it unless it's for work (interior photos) where i prefer to use its uncompressed raw capabilities and extra pixels bcause i'm scared of it getting robbed or smth however you're scared to even go outside of your caravan