>>3433744>>DSLRs have stagnated for years while mirrorless cameras still have a lot of room for improvement.>>No, DSLRs have been ahead of mirrorless for years, and mirrorless is just catching up.>I don't see how these two statements are contradictory. My point is that the 'amazing forward progress' meme of mirrorless is based on the fact that MILCs started so far behind to begin with. I'm not disputing that MILCs will likely overtake DSLRs in the coming years. I just hate hype, and mirrorless has been hype for a long time. It's only now starting to deliver.
>>Do you honestly think the 42mp sensor is more expensive to make than the 24mp sensor?>Yes if you include R&D, I clearly wasn't.
>more precise lithography masks Again I ask: is the 42mp sensor on a different fab process? If it's not then the masks costs about the same.
>and extra ADC speedOn the sensor.
>/processing power required.The only thing that actually would cost more. But that leads to this question: is Sony actually using a faster/more expensive processor, or two of them? Or are they using the same one and product differentiating?
>>The 6D2 sensor beats the A72 sensor on high ISO by roughly one full stop>Wow that's a lot of canonfag wishful thinking.Here they are at the same ISO where the Sony is clearly worse
>>3434195Attached is a comparison with the A72 one stop lower.
Don't be a smart ass when you haven't investigated the claim.