>>4314394> It's not out of place at a restaurant table without drawing attentionIt draws attention. Everyone notices. Either you know this and it's why you bought it, and you actually mean "it fits the aesthetic of what i imagine someone like me would do at a table" (dont forget the moleskine notebook and fountain pen) or you've been living a lie. It's weird how so many fuji fanboys have this line for literally anything silver. How can so many people be wrong about the exact same thing? The first cameras I notice are the larpy retro ones. They're bling. They're shiny. They're closer to the vibrantly colored point and shoots that used to be marketed to teens.
If you want to be invisible, stop shaving for 2 days and wear a high vis vest or just dress like shit and practice some superficially schizophrenic mannerisms. Any camera you carry will be invisible. Did you know garry winogrand's persistent photographic harassment went unnoticed because he was just really ugly and poorly dressed, so no one wanted to look at him or engage with someone that looked like a crazy hobo or a retirement home escapee?