>>4094272I definitely to aim to create a similar feeling to compositions no matter what my subject matter is, personally I feel that it's evolved over the last 5 years and became even more consistent between my mountain wilderness and prairie work. Though that could appear as too boring and uniform to some folks.
>>4094531Glad you like that one. That place really evoked the "wow, I'm in the backcountry now!" emotion. Way remote, way high, and very exposed. The image I posted right before it is a view 90° to the right of that scene. There was a good bit of smoke - as there almost always is out west in the summer now - but I tried to work with it by going with a very hot and bright exposure.
>>4094538Luckily I never, ever, think about what will sell when I'm out there shooting. I take the photos that speak to me in the way I want to and then worry about making some sort of money way down the road.