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Seriously anybody still doing street photography in this day and age needs to be shot. It is by far the laziest type of photography ever invented. Even lazier than cat photography.
Mmmmeeeerrrr look at me i cant be bothered doing anything today except just walking out my door onto the street and photographing whatever i see. Its art, people just dont understand.
You idiots do realise all the rest of us can walk out the door and onto our streets as well, in fact we do it every day. We see that exact boring stuff you photograph every day walking down the street, why photograph it??????
And as for photographing people you dont know, that is majorly creepy, you are not documenting history as there are billions of photos going onto instagram. You are not creating art because you are being too lazy to do anything except walk down the street and hope somebody else made the effort to be interesting so you can just snap that and claim to be talented.
There is literally zero reasons in 2015 to be doing street.
the only exception is if you are an old man and back in your day street photography had a purpose as lots of people didnt live in cities so couldnt see them and there werent 5 billion photos of everything available on the internet. Then you are just doing it for old times sake and its ok.