>>3050470Now you should know the basics of what you need to participate and have a good time. But just in case, here's an FAQ for some smaller questions.
As I said before, feel free to ask any questions you might have. I've been doing this for years and want others to experience this great sport up close and personal.
>Does it hurt when you get hit?Oh yeah, but that's kind of the appeal yeah? The danger associated with getting that good shot is part of the thrill!
>I'm obese/severely overweight, will the exercise kill me?I assumed so, but it turned out a large amount of players are overweight yet they play regularly. It's your call.
>What kind of lenses should I bring?It all depends on the shot you want, I wouldn't recommend one lens over another.
>I'm worried about my gear, will it get damaged?Not unless you drop it. My gear has sustained multiple direct hits and I've never had so much as a squeaky motor. It is just paint after all.
>I'm a grill, will I be accepted?Gender is something i've not heard brought up once outside of a joke. You're just a player, not a "female player". It's a very accepting and non-judgmental community.
I hope I've inspired a few of you to give this a try, I promise you won't regret it!