APS-C is closer to the future than FF, that's for sure. I thought about going Fuji long and hard before making my decision to go MFT. The facts are, 3:2 is an inferior aspect ratio to 4:3 for most professional work, so most of the larger sensor area of APS-C is wasted. I rarely need much breathing room to crop laterally, but I very often need more room for croping vertically. So that right there ate into a big portion of the APS-C advantage for me.
Secondly, the APS-C lens situation just isn't anywhere in the same realm of the tightly focused perfection for every conceivable focal length like what you find on MFT. Either you're schlepping around full frame glass like a retard (if you went canikon or soiny crop), or you're buying slightly smaller than FF glass at a massive premium, and if you shoot long telephoto well you're just fucking shit out of luck there.
I really wish Fuji's lens line-up were any where near as fleshed out and exceptional as the MFT ecosystem, but it just isn't. Even if it were, I still think the lenses are too large, too expensive, and the sensor is just not large enough to justify vs. MFT, especially with the inferior 3:2 aspect.
Have another insanely sharp snapshit from one of the most impressive lenses ever designed for any system (notice the essentially complete absence of CA and fringing against the sky, too), that just happens to be a "TOURIST SUPERZOOM". Lol.
>>3541991But but, retard! Enjoy significantly overpaying for your marginally better gear that you aren't even comfortable walking around with!