>>3113082Robert is Here is legit as fuck. It's on County Road 9336 or just Google it and your GPS will take you.
If you have time, and especially if you have a bicycle, head out to 220th St. I'll give you the abridged version: in the mid 1960's Aerojet was competing for the contract to build a motor to send us to the Moon. They lost to the liquid-fueled F-1 designed by Rocketdyne. They designed the world's largest solid rocket motor lit 3 of them off, left the 3rd when they lost the contract and abandoned the facility in 1968. If you Google it, the address shows up and you'll need a bicycle to get to it. Watch for broken glass. Pic related
Also find the NIKE Missile Battery on Card Sound Rd., the other road to get into Key Largo. You'll see the radome towers when you turn left at the 3 way light to head to Key Largo, there's a small turnoff to the left you can hide and explore the installation. They were built in the early 60's to counter a Soviet bomber invasion from Cuba. They were abandoned when the USSR developed ICBM technology, the NIKE Missile couldn't accurately track them so they abandoned most of the facilities, the Everglades National Park has one of the best preserved battery sites in the country.