>>3959669>You get a sharper photo with better looking noise at the same settings and resolution.Larger formats are sharper out of camera, all other factors being equal. This is an artifact of lens MTF and the size of the projected imaging circle, so there's nothing that can be done about it at the sensor. A m43 lens has to have a 2x better MTF at a given lp/mm to match a FF lens in sharpness. (2x and not 4x because lp/mm is measured along a single axis.) That is almost unheard of unless you are comparing the best/most expensive m43 prime versus a shit, cheap FF consumer zoom.
At equivalent settings FF has no noise advantage, but this ignores that the FF shooter has the option to shoot wider aperture for a SNR gain.
>and has better processors that don't turn the image to shit when you get to 1600.Pic related.