>>3902887>https://www.photographymad.com/pages/view/what-is-a-stop-of-exposure-in-photographyBut it's literally showing it like I think in this, pic related but a stop can also be for shutter and apeture? So a stop is just any 'click' on a dial?
>>3902888Yeah I've heard of Sunny 16, I feel like that one's kind of tough for me because I'm, I don't know what to call it.. Nitpicky? "Sunny = f/16, okay but what's sunny to me in Scandinavia is not necessarily sunny to someone from California. I just feel like it's hard for me to gauge the settings evne with that rule but I guess it's just a matter of practice and seeing a bunch of shots I thought were "sunny" actually being cloudy or whatever.,
>>3902891So if a company "recommend to overexpose by +1 stop" does that mean that if I use a 800 film of theirs that I should shoot it at 400 because I'm making the camera think it's a 400 so the lightmeter tells me to "overexpose" with apeture/shutter?
If so, then I understand but my brain just hates it. It's like some mental/linguistic barrier I just can't get over.