>>2696861It's ridiculous is what it is.
Pretty much everything they say on the petition rationale is upside down and backwards type wrong, even some of the comment is so ghost-written and agenda-editorialised it's quite astounding. If they weren't serious it could be easily mistaken for satire.
That one lol-comment with the link to the image you posted pretty much nailed that encounter, and I think it's fair to say the depicted female in it is one of the people that started all the hate.
There is a certain demographics that finds what i do highly offensive though, so I suppose it's not so unbelievable. That demographic are characterised by self-entitlement, being misinformed via paranoia and prejudice, and are just generally cunts. Unfortunately it's common enough, and they make a big enough melodrama that otherwise neutral people being subjected to their version of reality often come to believe it becasue of their sheer conviction. But usually all of them share at least a mild desire to be cunts to other people by making /b/-grade prejudice/ignorance based assumptions of how perverse other people supposedly are.
It's probably pretty typical of the SJW generation.
Funny thing about the petition is that I only made a fb account a few months after the petition was started. Yet within 3 or 4 months I had more people add me and say they loved what I do than ever signed the petition before it died of old age.
And fortunately I have met far more cool people IRL via my photography than iv'e had to tolerate haters, though they do rear their ignorant heads from time to time to remind me what disturbed minds feel like.
"Fuck off" is often the only thing haters listen to anyway. So it's not surprising they go away feeling that I'm a bad man. I'm not interested in allowing them to go feeling righteous or vindicated in harassing a photographer because they looked cool in the 2 seconds I spent assessing it, before smiling at them and shooting them in the face.