>>2984355>>2984213But... all you did was literally apply an instagram filter to his picture. The original looks better.
Yeah, I can see why photography buffs have such a shit reputation. You people are no different from audiophiles, wine snobs, and other "fine connoisseurs"; seeing objectivity where there LITERALLY isn't any. Thinking you can perceive differences others can't. Thinking you have better artistic vision. You're as bad as people on /mu/ and /tv/. You put your opinions forward as fact, implying that your views have any more merit than others, or any merit whatsoever.
The most successful photographers in the world found success because they got lucky and stayed persistent. Just like the most successful musicians find success through luck and persistence, just like the most successful models, and YouTubers, and all other forms of entertainment.
This board is trash. Just like /mu/, just like /tv/, just like /a/ and /fa/. You people putting forward opinion as if it's objective fact, it's just... It's a fucking affront. Reading through your threads is like listening to religious people talk about how they can feel God, or wine snobs talking about the subtle hints of oak or sriracha or whatever the fuck. You are perceiving things that aren't there. You are experiencing opinions about pictures and perceiving them as objective observations, and you *seriously* think you have infallible vision.
Jesus god damn titty fucking christ, that's enough snobby bullshit for today. I'm done with this board. Good luck, retards. I hope you find happiness in the opaque bubbles you put yourselves in.