>>3715271So here's the weird thing- it's orthochromatic, so metering with a normal spot or incident meter isn't going to work, because you're going to have a lot of yellow-and-up light biasing your readings. I, against the recommendations of all the old farts on the LFPF, found a plastic filter whose transmission profile roughly matched the sensitivity graph of the film I was using (Wratten 44A), and then placed it over the front of my light meter. In accounting for the filter (and its filter factor), I end up with an ISO of about 200.
>>3715288It is indeed a lot of fun. By making it so cheap, I feel comfortable experimenting and making a lot of mistakes. Almost every shot I've ever taken with extreme movements (pic related) was done on x-ray. I wouldn't've gotten into shooting UV if I had been shooting normal film marketed for artistic purposes, because the price is so high.
>>3715290I'll try and get around to it in the coming week. I'd like to increase the demand for mammography film, because that might make the difference between the major producers continuing to make it or not. As mentioned previously, the old film I was using was phased out by Carestream (the inheritor of Kodak's medical imaging division).