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Focusing mode?
The only way to check if your camera/lens is focusing correctly is by shooting static objects on single spot autofocus.
If the problem persists try another lens. If it's still there it's the camera, otherwise it's the lens that needs to be calibrated.
I don't know canon dslrs but the 5D probably has an option to fine tune autofocus, do some research and use it.
Anyway, all of the stated above only applies if you know what you are doing or are willing to learn about the exposure triangle and how it affects the pictures. Shooting that photo with a 3000€ equipment, at f2.8, with a fucking wall right behind the subject tells three things:
You're a moron
You are lazy/uninterested in learning anything that takes more than a youtube 3min tutorial
You have more money than brains
Now go learn how to camera or become another worthless gearfag whose pictures are shit, but taken with fancy equipment.