photography from Scotland. On hiatus right now, doing maximum overtime for Xmas spending.
>>3570837Huh turns out I've got a VSCO account. Forgot about that. I like the moody interiors, nice eye for turning the mundane into interesting subjects.
>>3570489Your street portraits are really nice. I never get that close to my subjects, it's interesting the diversity of people too. I'd keep doing what you're doing but set goals or build towards a project/theme, that'll sort you out.
>>3568280Not enough on your profile to judge, maybe in a few months.
>>3568178Shame about the new place, I'm in a similar situation where I don't like photographing my area. Your stuff is really nice though, maybe save up money and travel more.
>>3567784Nice warm tones but a bit samey after a while. Maybe mix it up with cool tones now winter is here.
>>3567521Looks like you bring your camera everywhere, which is cool. Your stuff isn't really up my alley but I respect your life, you definitely don't seem boring.
>>3567347Your uploads are a bit generic, like I feel like I see shots like yours in the Discover tab a lot. Try and carve out your own ideas/style.
>>3567255My fellow B&W bro, nice. A lot of your stuff looks like the kind of thing I do. Stick with B&W, I prefer it to your colour stuff.