>>4104355>what camera are you shooting with and how did you come to get itAt the moment my ME Super cause I wanna get more familiar with it and my new 40mm
>what film stock are you usingThere's some ektar in there but ive got some cine 400D for after
>development - home or lab, for b&w or color tooLab, theres a really good one near me thats fast and does good scans
>scanning - flatbed or dslr methodflatbed scan my 120 film
>pushing/pulling: is it a meme?Nah, i often push ilford 3200 2 stops to do events and sports
>who /medium format/ herebig fat Pentax 6x7 with a 45mm f4, 55mm f3.5, and 150mm f2.8