>>3945129>get baited retardpic related
>>3945124>Stacking 2 images at 800 iso, gives the same noise as taking one at 400 iso. Except you also get the bonus to resolution too. the 20 image stack gives an equivalent iso of 640.No. In astrophotgraphy you most often do sum stacking. So you would want to have 30s exposure, but because star trails you cant. So you take 6x5s to have same exposure and just align stars in post.
You can do mean stacking that reduces noise, but it doesnt remove problem of low dynamic range. And also if you dont take dark frames when you do mean stacking, you still have a non random noise like one from heating of your sensor.
Stacking doesn't increase resolution.
>Any vignette will be there on purpose, she even explains her use of dodging and burning to give a vignette effect on her photos.Vignette on night sky's looks good awful and id only give more problem with stacking as stars move the get affected by different level of vignetting.