>>3787596>What makes a photo unique and interesting?IMO, it starts with the photographer being interested in producing the work for themselves. As soon as one starts trying to cater to trends and what the masses MIGHT enjoy, at the very core the resulting work loses interestingness.
This is why so much street shit sucks, so much landscape shit sucks, so much newtopofilmfagwankshit sucks. Most of it is being driven by a look and not by the photographer actually having an interest in what they're shooting, beyond the fact that it's a trendy subject matter.
Even Alex, in his current thread, says his most instagram-tier shots are his worst sellers at art shows.
You can claim normies are stupid and whatever...but people have an innate ability to sense something being genuine. An (*well executed) image taken because there was a genuine interest in it being taken, for the sake of it being taken, will have a much higher chance of being interesting and standing the test of time.
So take images that excite you, that you find interesting. At the very least they'll make you happy, and perhaps your desire to make them interesting for yourself will make them interesting for others.