>nikon FA irregular shutter speed>testing portra 800 shot at 2500, deved at 3200I've put my first roll through this camera and I noticed that it had some pretty irregular speeds from 1 sec to about 1/10th. I was taking some night shots mostly in A priority and some in manual, and I noticed that the shutter sounded way too fast a few times. Like I set it to 1/2th of a second and it sounded a lot faster, then I wound it again, shot it at the same settings and then it sounded like 1/2. The batteries are all new.
A repair technician once told me that this happens sometimes with cameras that have not been used for too long, and my FA looks like it spent the majority of its life on a shelf. Has anyone heard about this? He said it would get better the more I used it but I've never heard about this and I couldn't find anything online.
I'll dev the roll tomorrow and post results. It might also be interesting because I shot a roll of portra 800 at 2500 and I'll push it by 2 stops.
>>3476947>tfw my dumbass didn't do proper research and got the 28-105/3.5-4.5 instead, but it's so soft at 28 and 105 that I basically use it as a 35-70 and it's way slower because even at those focal lengths you pretty much have to stop down to f/5.6 to get sharp images>>3477287I'm not sure what you mean, but if it's centre weighted then
>put it in aperture priority>pick the aperture you want to use>point it at the shadows>get the shutter speed reading from the meter>put it in manual mode>leave the aperture where you first put it>set your shutter speed to the same as the reading you got earlier>reframe >focus>shootIf you reframe and change your aperture while the shutter speed remains the same, you'll get a different exposure.
If it has matrix metering then you can pretty much just let it decide.