>>4228667>hang it to dry, somehow all images are there and at a glance they look correct>fast forward few hours of drying>it looks strange on the emulsion side, with metallic sheen, and matte black patches of something on top of darkest parts of frames>I have no idea what the fuck was washing off of it during second half of the process then, because image-wise, looking from the base side, everything looks correct>scan it quickly before it spontaneously combusts or turns into dust>the scans look FUCKING AMAZING>thick, carbon-black shadows with incredible detail, great highlights tonality, very little crushed or blown out on either end of the curve>super fine and unobtrusive grain>I have never had photos look so good out of the box>I have developed my first slides at home>I'm in lovePic is rubbed off emulsion where I held it to pull it out of the reel, it was rubbing off at the slightest touch.
tbc again