>>2973579For $250 or less you can get a Graflex 45 of some sort, usually with lens. Get the lens CLA'd if its a craigslist buy, and get some holders and a tripod, and you're still way under $750. I would buy nice holders, fidelity or lisco plastic holders, not wood since they tend to leak more and you can't shoot Infrared with them.
The graflex tilts enough to do scheimpflug outdoors and would just generally be easy to use. I don't really have any opinion on resolving power of the actual film, I have some 5x8 foot prints from 4x5s that look nice. If it's an inkjet image, the image may not hold up due to the software used to enlarge it. I use a rip software called ImagePrint, massive images and updated ICCs.
Shooting 10 sheets of Portra would be ~$60 after processing so you're looking at $6 an image. And scanning can be done on a flat bed with very acceptable results because the negative is literally massive.
Just don't do the GX those things aren't meant to be used for anything outside of a studio, motherfuckers weigh more than my deardorff.
Pic unrelated unless you wanna shoot handheld 8x10.