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Kinda weird how it starts looking very similar when viewing at the same size. Your images will either A) be viewed at the same size on a screen regardless of which camera you take them on or B) be viewed at the same size in print regardless of which camera you take them on.
The noise is sharper but so is the signal in the higher res sensors, ultimately you can see more signal in the higher res sensors. The a7siii is natively 48mp which is quad Bayer, they have a mode to treat groups of 4 pixels as one, (though in this case you can't actually record the 48mp data like in other quad bayers cameras, apart from Sony being Jewish because this would do the job of most of their entire lineup by having both modes it would upset forum autists screaming it's fake 48mp). It's interesting there because you also see a sharpness benefit the a7s1 doesn't have in high iso. But ultimately those pixels are still physically sub divided on the sensor, which does not cause it to perform worse.