>>3836551>afaik noritsu are lab machines that trade quality for speed and dust/scratch control with iceThey don't trade quality (in 35mm).
They're some of the highest resolving and highest DMax scanners on the market, bar none. It's the best thing you can get other than a full drum scanner.
The fact that they're extremely fast is on top of being good, not at the expense of being good.
The only thing they compromise for speed is medium format quality. Essentially the scanning area remains the same, and a lens "zooms out" the medium format frame so it takes roughly the same area on the sensor as the 35mm frame, meaning you'll get the same res just with less grain and a bit more sharpness.
On the plus side, they're blazingly fast and 16-20MP or so for MF is enough for decently big prints, even though you're leaving quite a bit of resolution on the table.
Unfortunately many highend scanners used this method for medium format, for instance the Imacon/Hasselblad scanners.