>>2950744>I honestly tried it because someone said it was good for landscaping and the like. Should have stuck with Fuji - I always liked what Fuji did.Well, in theory Ektar is great for landscapes, but you need to have as much as control over the post process to get it right. If you're using Silverfast for scanning, the neutral gray pipette works wonders as long as you have something gray in the photo. Saves a lot of curve twisting in photoshop later. Lab scans are probably going to fuck you twice over. In Japan I'd just roll Superia Premium for general purpose and then have an odd roll of Provia around for landscapes, preferably loaded in separate cameras.
Also I recommend getting as many rolls developed in Japan, I've tried several labs in Tokyo and Hiroshima and all delivered excellent, clean and scratch-free negatives for half of the cost of developing in my home country.
>The Hi-MaticWhich model?
Pic related is my this year's attempt at Ektar.