>>3024246Just because sony release bodies more frequently than other brands, doesn't effect the speed at which your body is outdated. Canikon are STILL years behind what sony did with the a7s and a7rii, and with both of them only releasing maybe one high end body every 3 years, even if they do make a competitive product, sony will overtake them again.
The a9 is confirmed to have unlimited burst, a new sensor, a new raw format for better quality files, new memory cards because sd couldn't go fast enough and ibis that works with ois. Every other brand is dead in the water in comparison, what was the last major innovation to come from canikon or fuji?
>>3024249>isolessMeaningless meme term that applies to practically every camera on the market
>32mb off a 16mp sensorYep, that's completely normal
>dr and colour depthIs no better than any other current camera
Fucking fujicucks are dumb as boiled ham.
>>3023286You're dumb and don't understand how mirrorless and dslr focusing mechanisms differ.
Have a triptych, a7ii and 55mm f1.8