>>4144340It's too fucking hot.
Not only is it a pain in the ass to go out in it, but it's all just stubbies and thongs.
Also I'm lazy.
>succumb to the vaxxIt might have been covid that made me start regularly consuming /pol/
I'm not really in an at-risk category, have known for a long time that even classical vaccines massively fuck up a small percentage of people, so even back then; MRNA tech represented a vastly higher chance of damage than actually getting covid.... and now it's so much more obvious that this is the case.
>>4144332>nearly 10 yearsStarted the city thing february 19 2012... so 11 years
>>4144361>photogs that took Eggys picI have a folder, but i'm sure theres a lot more out there. Also a larger amount of me being in the background of tourist pics.
>>4144432>kinoShe's in her 20's now. Preposterously attractive, probably still very sweet.
>>4144500I wonder if this is the couple that started this 'thing' they do. Seems like it is.
>>4144505>every second Saturday Usually all saturdays, till i get sick of doing it in the heat and extreme UV. This last month is probably the longest i've skipped it.
The suitcase rummage market was the thing that was the 1st and 3rd sunday of the month, I haven't done that for what seems like years.