>>3511545I like cosplayers because, at least in my country, they are dedicated to what they do. Like, really dedicated. Most are at first grade of studies, trying to write their licentiate or master thesis while working on their costumes. They have fun and I see that making those photos makes them happy too. That's why I do so.
Im not going to earn any money via photography, that's for sure. It's really all about fun for now. Maybe on the west cosplayers are bunch of assholes (one can get such idea from reading few replies on /cgl/) but here its all on smaller scale and more friendly. It's almost adorable. Even the more "pro" ones I sent photos were friendly and polite. Even if they had much more professional photos than mine, they still thanked for those and talked a bit.
>>3511553Actually it was easily 500+ people con. A lot of those people probably won't meet me next year due to sheer size. Although I did meet one another photographer who recognized me and we shared a talk and opinions on cameras and lenses.
>>3511555>>3511560Speaking of kids, I lately did series of photos of group of young people street performing with fire. I simply happened to be nearby with camera but they liked the photos I did but at the same time actually wanted to pay me. I got eq of around 3$. That's enough reason to do it for free and avoid awkward situation.
That's one of the photos I did that evening, by the way.