>>3889536Nice. A nice personal ig page.
>>3889561Not the way I expose, but i really like the “correctness” of your exposures.
>>3889581Hi Melbourne friend :) small world. Followed you from my car account. I’ve been neglecting it actually... let’s meet up after lockdown. I’d like to get some photos of your car
>>3889583Lol rude
>>3889622Welcome to the colour world; please take the magentas down a lot. Interesting photos but do take it easy with the magentas
>>3890122Nice and bright. Good colours. I do wish the models were slimmer, but that’s hardly your fault hehe
>>3890176Sometimes i do that with lighting a scene too warm and balancing to get a blue background.
Anyway where the fuck do you live? Looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland
>>3890373Oh hi again haha. Just spoke to you on ig about the helios lens earlier today.
You’ve got great work: beautiful models, great exposures, gear and posing. Also, you have 1,111 followers. Nice quads.