>>3019627One of my favorite films is Agfa Portrait 160. The color tones are cool pastels. Beautiful. And I still have some loaded, but for most of my work, I can't risk this sort of thing. Pic attached is a screen grab of a flat scan. The grain pattern is visible in the flat scan in the borders, which doesn't happen with fresh film. I'm guessing its a combination of the loss in speed resulting in me underexposing when shooting at box rating and also just film degradation in general. Theres a guy on instagram, 400nc, who only shoots it. His stuff is great. I might have some ekta or other slide stuff in a shoebox, if you want me to send you it. My email is
[email protected]Another beautiful film I will shoot until its gone is Kodak Ektar 25. ISO 25, slightly red. Amazing film. Just great. I shot some stuff in the Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest with it.