various topics, general gloomy mood and low-light stuff
>>3251847the selfies are a bit on the edgy side but you sure know how to edit
>>3252021good reduction, love the one with the airplane wreck
>>3252087gearfag less, keep up those nice underwater shots
>>3252544your portraits are a bit boring, but you've got a talent for urban shots. keep it up!
>>3252551good work, be a bit more selective with what you post
>>3253057great low-light stuff!
>>3253258hmm i'd recommend you to get a second account and split your stuff into ~art~ and lifestyle/personal stuff
>>3253409some cool urbex but cut down on the "girl friend walks towards abandoned thing" stuff
>>3253571really dig your last six pictures. Older stuff is a bit bland
>>3255374You're taking it a bit far with the post-processing. It works really well with the collages, not so much with the single shots.
>>3256373good portraits, mediocre urban, good rural
>>3256404overall very cool work, could only critique some specific shots